U23095 Multiple Buildings - Restrooms Renovations FY23-24, 0138, 0292


Bidding Closed

Prebid Date5/14/24 2:00pm

Bid Date6/11/24 2:30pm

Company & Contacts

Cordogan Clark & Associates
Louis Peragallo  


Burrill Hall, 407 S Goodwin Avenue, Urbana, IL 61801

The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, hereinafter referred to as the "Owner," furnishes the

following information and special instruction to prospective bidders desiring to submit bids for the work on

the following project:




1.2 Project Number: U23095

1.3 Project Description.

Renovation of existing toilet rooms and associated mechanical, electrical and plumbing

systems at both Burrill Hall and Vet-Med Teaching Hospital, including improvements for

ADA compliance, riser replacements and new fixtures and finishes. Work includes

selective demolition, architectural, fire protection, plumbing, ventilation, electrical and

abatement scope.

Refer to Division 01 of the technical specifications for a complete, detailed breakdown of

the base bids and alternates for this project.

This project includes a Project Labor Agreement that will be executed between the lowest

responsible/responsive bidder and the East Central Illinois Building and Construction

Trades Council. A copy of the Project Labor Agreement is included at the end of Section

00 90 00.

1.4 Project Location:

Burrill Hall, 407 S Goodwin Avenue, Urbana, IL 61801

Vet-Med Teaching Hospital, 1008 W Hazelwood Drive, Urbana, IL 61802

1.5 Contract Documents Prepared By:

Cordogan Clark & Associates, Inc.

960 Ridgeway Avenue

Aurora, IL 60506

hereinafter referred to as the Professional Services Consultant.


The following bidding instructions are a component part of each bid wherein they are applicable.

2.1 Submission and Receipt of Bids.

2.1.A Contract Divisions of the Project. The Owner will receive separate sealed bids for

the project. Each bid shall identify the name of the Protected Subcontractor(s) if

any, and the bid proposal costs, including alternates, for each of the following

divisions of work that are applicable for this project. The contract entered into with

the successful bidder shall identify that no identified Protected Subcontractor in the

Bid Document 00 40 00 may be terminated without the written consent of Owner.

Contract Division I - General Work including Division VI – Sprinkler

Contract Division II - Plumbing Work

Contract Division III - Heating, Piping, Refrigeration and Temperature Control Work

Contract Division IV - Ventilation and Air Distribution Work

Contract Division V - Electrical Work

2.1.B Delivery. Submit bids on forms furnished by the Owner as one pdf less than 200

MB at https://przm.apps.uillinois.edu/przm/ocpweb.nsf/projectsuiuc?OpenView for

this project. If multiple bids are received by the same bidder for the same division

of work, the later bid will be considered official.

2.1.B.1 Electronic Bids will be received up to the hour of 02:00 PM, prevailing time,

on 6/11/2024.

2.1.C Electronic Bid Opening. Electronic bids will be electronically opened and publicly

read on TUESDAY, JUNE 11, 2024, 2:30 PM on a call-in telephone number ZOOM

1-312-626-6799. Meeting ID 822 1713 0947. Password: 1867. A recording of the

bid opening is available upon request and tabulated.

Deadline for Requests for Information (RFI) is 3:00 PM on Thursday, 05/30/2024.

2.2 Bid Documents.

2.2.A Bid Documents. The bid documents include, but are not limited to, the Notice to

Bidders, bid forms, the project manual (including supplementary conditions, list of

drawings, schedules and tables, details, and specifications), drawings, and


2.2.B Procurement. A digital version of the Bid Documents is available for download at

no cost from the plan room link provided below OR up to two (2) set(s) of Bid

Documents per prequalified bidder of the divisions of work being bid may be

obtained from the plan room https://www.cordoganclarkplanroom.com/ by

depositing a check made payable to Vesco Reprographics in the amount of

$500.00 OR non-cash plan deposit programs which are guaranteed by contractor

associations are acceptable.

2.2.C Return. If applicable, the above deposit will be refunded upon the return of the bid

documents in good condition within ten (10) days after bid opening date. The bid

documents shall remain the property of the Owner. They shall not be returned with

the bids but shall be returned under separate cover to the Professional Services

Consultant’s office.

2.2.D Reference Sets. For the convenience of bidders, the project manual, drawings,

and all addenda will be available for electronic viewing at no cost to potential

bidders. Complete sets of printed documents will also be on file for reference at:


2.2.E A digital version of the Bid Documents is available for download at no cost from

the plan room link provided below OR up to two (2) set(s) of Bid Documents per

prequalified bidder of the divisions of work being bid may be obtained from the plan

room https://www.cordoganclarkplanroom.com/ by depositing a check made

payable to Vesco Reprographics in the amount of $500.00 OR non-cash plan

deposit programs which are guaranteed by contractor associations are acceptable.

2.3 Examining the Site. Arrangements to visit and examine the site in accordance with

Document 00 20 00-General Instructions to Bidders may be made by contacting Sandra

Roesler, sroesler@illinois.edu or phone 217-333-5361.

Site Visits: NON-MANDATORY site visits will be held at the Burrill Hall, 407 S. Goodwin

Ave., Urbana, IL and Veterinary Teaching Hospital, 1008 W. Hazelwood Dr., Urbana, IL.

Representatives of the Owner and the Professional Services Consultant will be present to

answer questions regarding the project and bidding procedures. ALL prospective bidders

are ENCOURAGED to attend for clarification of site constraints. Meetings are planned at:

Burrill Hall, 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM on MONDAY, MAY 20, 2024 and Vet Teaching Hospital,

10:00 AM to 11:00 AM on MONDAY, MAY,20, 2024.

2.4 Annual Prequalification. Each bidder and each Protected Subcontractor if applicable is

required to be prequalified on an annual basis with the Owner in accordance with

Document 00 20 00-General Instructions to Bidders. For reference, a current Approved

Prequalification Listing Report, including prequalified vendor information per Division and

prequalification expiration date, can be found at:



2.5 Project-Specific Prequalification. Project specific prequalification is not required for this


2.6 Pre-bid Conference. Mandatory, virtual pre-bid conference for all parties interested in

bidding the project will be held at 2:00 PM on Tuesday, 5/14/2024 through ZOOM: 1-312-

626-6799, Meeting ID: 816 9330 7336, Password: 1867 AND 10:00 AM on Thursday,

5/16/2024 through ZOOM: 1-312-626-6799, Meeting ID: 816 4689 5191, Password: 1867.

Bidders only need to attend ONE of the mandatory pre-bid conferences

2.7 IDOL Schedule of Current Prevailing Wage Rates. Pursuant to the Prevailing Wage Act,

the most current schedule of prevailing wage rates for all crafts (which includes the hourly

basic wages, the hourly overtime rates, and the hourly fringe rates for health and welfare,

insurance, vacation, and pension benefits) published by the Illinois Department of Labor

for the locality in which the work is to be performed, that was available to the Owner at the

time the documents were issued for bidding, is attached at the end of Document 00 90 00

and incorporated herein. If the Illinois Department of Labor revises the prevailing rate of

hourly wages to be paid by the Owner, the revised rate shall apply to this contract. The

prevailing rate of hourly wages is revised by the Illinois Department of Labor and is

available on the Illinois Department of Labor’s official website.

2.8 Builder’s Risk/Property Insurance.

2.8.A Builder’s Risk Insurance, pursuant to General Conditions Article 19, shall be

provided by the Single Prime for the entire Project as determined by the Owner.

Owner-purchased building materials and supplies, equipment, machinery and

fixtures intended to become a permanent part of the project valued at $0.00 USD

shall be included in this Builders Risk Insurance coverage

2.8.B Property Insurance (contents including furniture, fixtures, equipment, etc.).

Property Insurance is not required for this Project.

2.9 Vendor Registration. The awarded low, responsive and responsible Bidder will be required

to register with the Owner’s Vendor Services Application and will be required to ensure that

all Bidders’ subcontractors, vendors, and suppliers to be included on its Schedule of Values

as identified in document 00 70 00 ‘General Conditions’ are also registered in the Owner’s

Vendor Services Application. The vendor registration module of the Vendor Services

Application can be accessed at:


2.10 Business Enterprise for Minorities, Women, and Persons with Disabilities Act. (BEP Act 30

ILCS 575) and Veterans Business Program (VBP) in accordance with the Illinois

Procurement Code 30 ILCS 500/45-57.

2.10.A This project has diversity goals for participation by BEP certified owned businesses

as bidders, subcontractors or suppliers in accordance with the Business Enterprise

for Minorities, Women, and Persons with Disabilities Act as defined in Document

00 20 00.

NOTE: These diversity goals are separate and distinct from workforce projections

(Attachment A of Document 00 40 00).

Each Bidder shall name the BEP and VBP certified firm(s) it intends to use to meet

the specified goals set for this project on Attachment B – Business Enterprise

Program (BEP) and Veteran Business Program (VBP) Utilization Plan of bid form

document 00 40 00. Utilization of WMBE certified vendors must designate full

participation as either a MBE or WBE when split goals are identified for purposes

of meeting diversity goals. WMBE value may not be split between MBE and WBE.

Vendors that are both BEP and VBP certified may only be counted towards either

the BEP or VBP goal, but not both. The goals for this project are as follows (“N/A”

in “Combined Goal” column means split goals are in effect and “N/A” in “Split

Goals” column means combined goals are in effect for each specific division of
