2023 Poured in Place Replacement Project


Bidding Closed

Bid Date 3/2/23 1:30pm

Company & Contacts

Oswegoland Park District
Colleen McCarthy  


313 East Washington, Oswego, Illinois 60543

1. The bids shall be made on forms provided in the Project Manual furnished by the
Oswegoland Park District (hereinafter park district or owner). All applicable blank spaces
on the “Bid Form” must be fully filled in, and all amounts must be in words as well as in
figures where applicable. The signatures must be in longhand and executed by a duly
authorized official of the bidder’s organization and the name of the official and his/her title
printed below the signature.
2. The wording of the bid form shall be in ink or typewriter and not in pencil. When any base
bid, alternate bid or unit price is omitted, the owner may reject the entire bid. No bids
containing conditional or qualifying statements will be accepted. When a bidder submits a
bid containing corrections or other changes, each correction or change shall be initialed by
the authorized official.
3. The bids shall be sealed in an envelope, marked: Bid Documents for 2023 Poured in
Place Replacement Project enclosed in an outer envelope addressed as follows:
Colleen McCarty
Oswegoland Park District
313 East Washington Street
Oswego, Illinois 60543
4. Bid documents shall be delivered or mailed in time for delivery to the above address no
later than 1:30 p.m. Thursday, March 2, 2023. Bids will be publicly opened and read at
that time. Bids received after 1:30 p.m. will not be considered. Oral bids or oral
modifications to bids will also not be considered.
1. Any bidder may modify his/her bid by electronic or written notice (signed by bidder) at
any time prior to the scheduled closing time for receipt of bids provided such electronic
communication or written notice is received by the Oswegoland Park District prior to the
Bid Opening Time, and, provided further, the park district is satisfied that a written
confirmation over the signature of the bidder of the electronic notice of the modification
was mailed prior to the closing time.
2. No bid can be withdrawn prior to the opening of the bids unless a written request for any
such withdrawal showing good cause for said withdrawal is first delivered to the park
district administrative office prior to commencement of the opening of bids. However, no
bidder may withdraw a bid after the opening of the bids.
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1. Bidders shall carefully examine the contract documents and inspect the project site
to obtain first-hand knowledge of existing conditions.
2. Each bidder, by submitting his/her bid, represents that he/she has so examined the contract
documents and inspected the site, that he/she understands the provisions of the “contract
documents” and that he/she has familiarized himself with the local conditions under which
the work is to be performed. Bidders will not be given extra payment or contract time for
conditions which could have been determined by such examinations.
1. Should a bidder find, during the examination of the contract documents or after his/her
visit to the site, any discrepancies, omissions, ambiguities, or conflicts in or among the
contract documents, or should he/she be in doubt as to their meaning, he/she shall at once
bring the questions to the attention of the park district for answer and interpretation.
2. The park district will review the question and, where information sought is incorrectly
shown or not clearly shown on the contract documents, plans, specifications, or for any
other reason, may issue at the park district’s sole discretion, an addendum to all bidders in
which the interpretation will be made. All addenda to bidders are to be incorporated in the
bids and will become a part of the contract documents.
3. No oral interpretation by the park district will be binding; only instructions in writing
will be deemed valid. To receive written consideration, requests for interpretation must be
made no later than three working days prior to the date set for receipt of bids.
1. The bidder will be required to furnish satisfactory references from five different large
commercial companies or public agencies for work of this magnitude for the past five
years prior to the award of the contract. The references must acknowledge that the work
was done correctly according to the plans, details and specifications, the project completed
on time, and all warranty work was completed in a satisfactory and timely manner. The
references provided must acknowledge that the bidder had enough experience, equipment
and manpower on a daily basis to perform the work and the agency/company is willing to
use this contractor on future projects
2. The park district may take further investigation as it deems necessary to determine that the
bidder has the qualifications to perform the work and is the “lowest responsible bidder”.
3. The park district’s discretion alone shall control whether the bidder possesses the required
experience as the “lowest responsible bidder” as herein set forth.
4. General contractors or their subcontractors that bid all other phases of this project shall
also meet the requirements referenced above.
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5. The park district reserves the right to require of any bidder such information as stated
above and necessary to verify the bidder’s qualifications as the “lowest responsible bidder”
and financial status, and to withhold formal signing of the contract until such information
is received.
1. Each bid shall be accompanied by cash, certified check, cashier’s check (said checks being
made payable to the District) or a satisfactory bid bond, in an amount equal to ten percent
(10%) of the amount bid as a bid guaranty that bidder will, upon acceptance of the bid,
enter into the contract and surety bond and take those other steps and be bound by the
provisions relating thereto as specified in the Bid Form.
2. Failure to accompany a bid with such cash or check or bid bond may be cause for the park
district to refuse to accept the bid. However, the park district reserves the right to accept a
late submission of any such cash or check or bid bond, as long as said late submission is
received prior to the award of a contract for the project.
3. The bid security shall be returned promptly after the park district and the successful bidder
have executed the contract, or if no award has been made within 30 days after the date of
opening of bids, upon demand of the bidder at any time thereafter so long as he/she has
not been notified of acceptance of his/her bid.
1. The successful bidder must furnish a performance, labor and material payment bond in
accordance with the provisions of the Public Construction Bond Act 30 ILCS 550/1, as
amended, in relation to bonds of contractors entering into contracts for public construction
with good and sufficient sureties approved by the Park District. The performance, labor
and material payment bond must be in the form of an AIA A312-2010 edition or
substantially similar.
2. Such bond shall be in the amount of 100% of the contract amount and shall provide,
among other conditions, for completion of the subject contract, for the payment of
material used in such work, whether by subcontractor or otherwise, and a guarantee for all
work for one (1) year after project completion. Said Act provides that such bond will be
deemed to contain certain stated provisions as outlined in said Act.
NOTE: Said Act requires that such a bond must be supplied to the park district by the
successful bidder. Cash or letters of credit will not suffice.
3. Contractor must submit the bond rating of the surety for the current year to the owner for
approval. The rating shall be at least A- as rated by A.M. Best Company, Inc., Moody’s
Investors Service, Standard & Poor’s Corporation, or a similar rating agency, with a
financial size category of at least $500 million and be licensed for the State of Illinois.
The owner reserves the right to request substitute surety, dismiss the contractor, or waive
requirements herein to the Park District’s best interests.
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4. The successful bidder shall also set forth in said performance bond such provisions as will
guarantee the faithful performance of the prevailing wage clause as set forth in the
“Instructions to Bidders”, the “Bid Form” and as set forth in Section IV of the “General
Conditions” as required by the Illinois Revised Statutes.
1. The successful bidder shall also provide the Park District with a “Certificate of
Insurance” for the amounts specified in the Bid Form and Section III of the “General
Conditions” and such certificate or certificates shall be delivered to the park district
prior to the date for commencement of the work as set forth in the contract.
2. The contractor shall include all sub-contractors as insureds under its policies, or shall
furnish separate certificates and endorsements for each sub-contractor. Coverage for
sub-contractors shall be subject to all of the requirements stated herein.
3. Also, the successful bidder will be required to name the park district as “co-insured” and
the policy shall include an endorsement. Successful bidder will be required to
purchase additional insurance for this project if his limits are not the minimum specified.
1. Contractors will be required to comply with all laws, rules and regulations concerning
equal employment opportunities and prevailing wages as set forth in the “Bid Form”.
1. Contractors will be required to comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws,
rules and regulations having jurisdiction over construction of the project throughout the
1. In the best interest of the park district, the park district at all times reserves the right to
accept any bid or combination of bids; reject any or all bids; and waive minor technical
deficiencies and/or irregularities from the “Contract Documents”.
1. Bid Security shall be submitted with the Bid Form.
2. Also, the bidder shall complete and sign the following documents and submit them with
the bid form:
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a. Prevailing Wage Affidavit
b. Insurance Requirements
c. Certificate of Compliance Freedom of Information Act
d. Certificate of Compliance Drug Free Workplace Act
e. Certificate of Compliance Illinois Human Rights Act
f. Certificate of Compliance
g. References and Jobs of Similar Scope